Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Break to Remember

I have been on spring break this week and it has been the best week! I have enjoyed the girls more than ever and am SO excited about the summer. This is the first time I have truly felt like I have two little girls rather than having a baby. We have had a ball. We slept in, snuggled in the mornings, attempted Monkey Joes (Olivia isn't quite old enough for this to be super yet), played outside, did spring pictures, ran errands, went to have lunch with Daddy, and hung out at home. Tomorrow the girls are going to daycare for their egg hunt and Easter party, Saturday is Olivia's birthday party and the Easter service at church, and Sunday we are taking the girls to the zoo.
I just want to remember this break... it has definitely been my favorite one since I have had both girls. Nothing special, just easy... that makes it memorable. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great update as I check it from time to time....since I don't get to see the girls as often as I wish:( I saw Ellie when I picked up the boys Tues. at Tots and she waved at me so sweet! They were practicing their "graduation" song and it made me tear up! She is a great girl.
