Friday, April 24, 2009

"If That Was Austin..."

The night before last I was coloring with Ellie and had Days of Our Lives on in the background. I DVR Days every day. Not real sure why... it is the stupidest show, but I have been watching since I was little and like to keep up with it. Anyway, on the show, Phillip got shot and his girlfriend Stephanie was crying hysterically about how he had to be okay.
I didn't think Ellie was paying a bit of attention the the crazy show when she looked up at me and said in the most serious tone, "That poor girl. Mommy, if Austin was hurt like that, I would cry just like her. I would cry and cry all day long." I assured her and that it was just TV and that the guy was fine AND more importantly that something like that would not happen to her Austin!!!
It cracked us up that she related the show to her own life that way. She is
so funny!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Olivia's New Room at Tots

Today was a big day for Olivia. It was her first full day in the Sunfish room at Tots Landing (her daycare). She has been transitioning this week and has done really well. For some reason this has been super hard for me. In her new room she gets to do art and circle time every day and they dance and sing and play outside. But, even though I know there is nothing I can do about it, I am just NOT ready for her to not be a little baby anymore. Being in this new room means she takes her naps on a nap mat like the big kids do and she is only taking one nap as opposed to her regular two a day. When we got there to pick her up she sure was exhausted! Her teachers said she did a great job and is really enjoying being with the older kids. She is the youngest in her class. Yeah Olivia!!! You are getting so big.
*12 month appointment was Thursday - 23 pounds in the 81% in weight. 29 inches long - 50% in height.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ellie's First Game... Not So Great!

Ellie's first soccer game was this morning and it did not go so well. At the beginning of the game she got pushed (not intentionally, just part of the game) and she had a total melt down. We never quite recovered! She did NOT want to go back in the game. When she finally did go back in, she stood with her coach. She told us she really wanted to go home and not play soccer anymore. It was so strange to see our usually outgoing child act timid and scared. When we got in the car we explained that we had committed to playing this season and that we would keep our committment to the team. Then, if she did not want to play next season, she didn't have to. She agreed and said she would try it again next week. So, we will see... not what I predicted! :(

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ellie's First Soccer Practice

Today was Ellie's first soccer practice. She did really well. They had practice for half of the time and then had a scrimmage the other half. After everything was over, she told us that she liked the scrimmage part but did not like practicing kicking a ball. So, we will see... Mommy and Daddy's hope of having a soccer player in the making might not work out after all!!! :) We have told her that she will have to finish this season either way. We are hopeful that it will grow on her.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"You all must have dreamed that!"

So, last night we were telling Ellie it was just about bedtime... as you know... never easy around here! Anyway, for some reason, she always wants mommy to lay with her before bed. The plan is that Danny and I will take turns being the one to take her up to her room, do her Bible story, prayers, talk about the high and low of her day, etc. Somehow, it is my turn much more than Danny's. Anyway, we were telling her that it was daddy's night. We went back and forth several times. Her saying it was mommy's turn, us insisting that it was not. Danny finally reminded her that he was at the grocery store last night while mommy was putting her to bed. She replied with the following.... "You all must have dreamed that part. Daddy, you were not at the grocery store and mommy did not put me to bed. That had to have been in your dreams."
Never a dull moment around here!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Olivia's First Birthday Party

Today was Olivia's birthday party at Gymboree. She officially turns one on the 11th. The party was so much fun and I think Olivia enjoyed the colors and music and being with the other kids. Unfortunately, I don't think she was feeling great. She is getting several teeth all at one time and has a cold. But, she made the most of the party and absolutely LOVED her cupcake!!! Here are a few pictures. She got lots of fun presents from her friends! It was a fun day.
I can't believe it has been a whole year since she was born.