Friday, July 3, 2009

Catching Up...

For some reason it is harder for me to add to the blog during summer than it is during the school year. I just can't seem to find free minutes to post...

Summer Time -
I am really enjoying summer with the girls! Although it is going by WAY too quickly, it has been great to spend some quality time together. We have had a great time going out to breakfast (mostly at Great Harvest with Becky and the kids because it seems to be every one's favorite) playing in the pool outback, going for long walks, and just hanging out at the house.

A few weeks ago we spent a week in Hilton Head with my parents and Adam and Rebecca. It was a great trip. Ellie loved having our own pool in the backyard (what a luxury) and Olivia LOVED running around on the beach. The house we stayed in was absolutely perfect and only a few minutes from the beautiful beach. We went shopping and ate at great restaurants.

Famous Words From Ellie -
As anyone who spends even a small bit of time with us knows... Ellie can have a very "sassy" mouth. The other day in the car I was telling her that she really needed to work on the tone she uses when she responds to me because it was getting really old. She looked at me completely serious and asked, "What are you going to do, call the police or something?" Not exactly the response I was hoping for!!!

The other night I was upstairs putting Olivia to bed and Danny and Ellie were downstairs doing their "work". Ellie's "work" usually consists of either cutting things up into pieces or playing school. As I walked into the living room I noticed that she had found a picture of her and Olivia from the first time I took them to the photographer. She had cut their heads out and the two heads were laying on the carpet. I have a few other copies of this picture so I didn't freak totally out, however, I wasn't the happiest. I calmly explained to Ellie that it wasn't a huge big deal and that I had other copies of the picture, but that I didn't ever want her to cut pictures without asking me again. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, "Mommy, I am so sorry that I broke your heart. I really didn't mean to do anything to break your heart." I think someone might have known cutting the pictures wasn't the best idea from the start... that or she knew exactly what to do to make mommy forget all about being upset with her! :)

Ellie and Danny were doing a Bible study the other night and were studying the story of Noah. Ellie asked Danny if he knew how God made the rainbow in the sky? Danny told him that he wasn't sure how God did it. Ellie asked if Danny thought maybe God had got out his markers and crayons and colored it up there. Then, without missing a beat she asked how he made sand. Danny replied once again that he wasn't sure. Ellie went on to tell him that she thought maybe God colored lots of paper brown and cut it up into little tiny pieces and scattered them everywhere. Ellie is usually so mature in her conversation that sometimes I find myself forgetting that she is only four years old. Then, something like this reminds me of her sweet innocence.

Olivia -
Our sweet Olivia is getting so big WAY too quickly! She is talking all the time and is into everything. She is saying Mama and Dada and Ellie (in her own sweet way) and she can tell us what A and B say and on a good day she do C and D. She is learning so much at Tots. I continue to be so grateful to the daycare the girls go to. They amaze me every week with what they do for my kids. I could not ask for a more caring group of people to help me raise my children. I never, ever doubt how much the girls teachers love and care about them.
Olivia loves to dance and play! She is the happiest child. She is loving giving us kisses and shows us her belly ALL the time. She can find all of her facial features and likes to pretend she is talking on the phone. I am truly loving every minute of watching her grow!!!