Sunday, March 28, 2010

Months of Catch Up...

Well, it has been a LONG while since I have posted. I need to do a better job of updating the blog. So much has happened in the past three months. I will try to hit the highlights and post a few pictures.
*Ellie turned 5 on January 24th. We had her princess party at Oogles & Googles. Although she was a little under the weather, she still enjoyed the time with her friends.
*We registered Ellie for kindergarten at JELV a few weeks ago. She looked so grown up as we walked into the room for her screening. I was so proud of her. Many people have asked me if I am sad about her going to kindergarten. I don't think sad is the right word. Ellie has been ready to go to school for a few years now. I can't wait to spend time with her while driving to and from school and am looking forward to having her so close.
*This week we will have our first appointment with Ellie's new counselor. We are going to try to learn some new strategies to help with her anxiety and sleep problems. As many of you know, Ellie has struggled with sleeping well since she was very small. She also worries about things in a way in which no 5 year old should. I am very hopeful that this will help her.
*Olivia will turn 2 in two weeks. I can hardly believe that my baby is already turning 2!!! We will have a little Elmo party for her next weekend. We have plans for a big egg hunt and lots of good food.
*Today we moved Olivia out of her crib and into her new big girl bed. She looks so precious in her new bed and is SO excited to be out of the crib.

*We put our house on the market in late November and had a contract on it the next month. However, the contract is contingent on the sale of their house and so far, no luck. We have had LOTS of showings and sure are ready to be done with this.
*After a great deal of thinking and praying, Danny and I have decided not to build on the lot we have in Jessamine County. Building was going to be very expensive, time intensive, and stressful and we were just not at peace about starting this project right now. I have felt uneasy about building for several months. Last Sunday we finally reached the decision that we could be just as happy in a much more affordable home and that not having to rent and go through the building process would reduce our stress levels a great deal. So, we are still planning to move, but just not to build.

*This week is SPRING BREAK!!! I am thrilled to have some time to unwind and hang out with my girls. I am not planning to go in to work at all which will be VERY NICE!